Can We Stop Pretending SMS Is Secure Now? — Krebs on Security

selective focus photography of person holding gray phone

Krebs writing for Krebs on Security: SMS text messages were already the weakest link securing just about anything online, mainly because there are tens of thousands of employees at mobile stores who can be tricked or bribed into swapping control over a mobile phone number to someone else. Now we’re learning about an entire ecosystem […]

The remote worker challenge

Working from Home

COVID-19 has certainly changed the way we work.  The global pandemic sent many of us home nearly a year ago and it does not seem like remote working is ending any time soon.  Many organizations are still struggling to make business processes and data remote.  The old standards for securing your workers technology are not […]

COVID-19 drives cloud migration

COVID-19 Swab Test

An article on Tech Republic says recent surveys of Information Technology departments 87% plan to accelerate their use of cloud technologies. Cloud technologies are not just for organizations with advanced Information Technology. In fact, they may be even more important to small, medium, and Micro businesses. Cloud based service providers can be the great equalizer […]

A clever attempt at Phishing

This morning I received an email from Gmail/Google asking me to confirm my recovery email. The email appears to be a clever phishing attempt to gain access to my Google account. It is was easy to see how someone reading this email would be tempted to click the “take action button”. Clicking “take action” would […]